Create and Animate SVG with Anime.js

Create and Animate SVG with Anime.js


Animation in web pages is a crucial part. It gives life to the web page with small and interesting element animation. We can create a path to create vector images with SVG tags in HTML.

Today, we are going to learn about SVG, create some SVG and animate it with anime.js

So let's get started.


Before creating SVG, let's learn about it. SVG stands for Scalar Vector Graphics. SVG is one of the formats for defining vector images. We can animate the element that is defined within the SVG tag.

There are benefits our using SVG. Few are as follows:

  • SVG is a vector, so they don't pixelate when zooming in.
  • They are easily scalable.
  • They do not lose resolution when resizing

In HTML, we can create predefined SVG by defining a few properties such as

  • Circle
  • Rectangle
  • Eclipse
  • Polygon
  • Path
  • Text
  • Others

That's enough of SVG. Let's create some SVG.


We use the <circle> element within the <svg> to define our circle. It has various tag important ones are:

  • cx: It is the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
  • cy: It is the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
  • r: It is the radius of the circle


  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" />

Few other tags include:

  • fill: It is the color of the circle
  • stroke: It is the color of the stroke
  • stroke-width: It is the width of the stroke



As the name suggests, it can have any number of gons(angles). We use the <polygon> element to define it. Polygon will be created in a closed shaped i.e, lines will be connected. It has a points tag to define the points of the variable.

  • points: The points are the vertex. There need to be at least three points for the closed path.


  <polygon points="200,10 250,190 160,210"/>



The path is one of the most interesting and used elements that come under SVG. You can use it to create paths to form icons, illustrations, and shapes.

There are 10 commands to create different paths. Here are the commands with description.

Mmovetomove from one point to another point
Llinetocreate a line
Hhorizontal linetocreate a horizontal line
Vvertical linetocreate a vertical line
Ccurvetocreate a curve
Ssmooth curvetocreate a smooth curve
Qquadratic Bezier curvecreate a quadratic Bezier curve
Tsmooth quadratic Bezier curvetocreate a smooth quadratic Bezier curve
Aelliptical Arccreate a elliptical arc
Zclosepathclose the path


<svg height="210" width="400">
  <path d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" />


Animating Path with AnimeJS

You can animate SVG with CSS's transform and transition. We are going to use the anime.js library to animate the path.


let path = anime.path('path');

  targets: '.circle',
  translateX: path('x'),
  translateY: path('y'),
  rotate: path('angle'),
  easing: 'linear',
  duration: 2000,
  loop: true

We define the path tag in a variable.



Today, we had gone through the SVG and its different tags such as circle, polygon, and path. We have also animated the path with the animejs.

I hope this article has helped in understanding the SVG. Thanks for reading the blog post.

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